(08) 8440 2000
Pricing and availability subject to account confirmation upon log in
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Please note:

Website accouts are restricted to customers who hold an account with ChemSupply Australia.

We are a bulk wholesaler and manufacturer who supply large order quantities only, therefore all account applications need to be reviewed for suitability.

If you are ordering for a secondary educational institute (high school, vocational education etc), please refer to our education distributors as they are our preffered partners for your market.
If your ordering requirements are for a small quantity or for personal/domestic use please refer to a distributor in your area as they are able to retail the small packs and small orders direct to the public without requiring account set up or wholesale bulk order quantities as we do.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us before completeing the registration.


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This site does not support self-registration of new users